Put things in your own words unless the question asks for a direct quote.
Answer each question in 8-12 sentences.
For the required quotes, use the original assigned Leopold reading, not the editor’s
introduction in our course text, the course videos/notes, or any other source. The original
Leopold reading starts on the page of Chapter 24 that reads “When god-like Odysseus…” The
questions do not require a direct quote from Sartre, but his reading can be found in Chapter
15 of the course text.
1. How does Sartre use the story of a young man’s decision to question the
usefulness of traditional ethical theories? Do you agree with his criticism? Why or
why not?
2. Choose a debated environmental issue (such as climate change, endangered
species, organic food, etc.) and describe what Leopold might say about the ethics
of this issue, based on his views in the reading. Quote and explain two direct
quotes from the reading as part of your answer, using quotation marks and the
in-text citation (Leopold, 1949/2010, p. ____).
3. Thinking back over the course, what would you embrace as your preferred
ethical theory? To answer, fill in the blanks in the following sentence: “An
action is right if it _____, and wrong if it ____.” You could endorse one of the
theories we have covered, create your own personal theory, or maybe
combine several theories in the way you see best. In addition to stating your
theory, give some reasons why it is a reasonable approach to ethics.