0 1/2 2/4 3/6 4/8 5/10
Heading: Your Name; Title; My name; course name; due date; draft or final /10
Terms to understand: propaganda, propaganda vs. education, safeguards against propaganda /10
Four instances of propaganda: Martin Luther; American Revolution; Napoleonic Wars; advent of the radio /10
Propaganda in films /10
Propaganda political cartoons and posters /10
World War I and World War II /10
Interesting Facts/Connection with Present /10
Images: at least three /5
Mechanics /5
1,000+ words /5
Sources /10
Category Headings /5
Total /100
No draft (if necessary) -11
Final Grade
Name ___________________________
Activity: Propaganda
Scoring takes into account that there was a complete heading; effort and design that show energy and determination. Aspects to be included: definition; cause and effects of modern antisemitism; interesting facts about the formation of the State of Israel; connection with the Catholic Church. Be sure to include the Post Vatican II Pope JP II. This information must be presented in a neat, well-ordered manner using complete sentences with at least three images. Below is a template for you use.
0 1/2 2/4 3/6 4/8 5/10
Missing this requirement Little of the information is there but no details Some of the information is there but no details Most the information is there but no details All information is covered but no extra details Information is covered and student went above and beyond with the assignment.
The following explanations are the expectations for the essay
1. Recognizes all external continuities and influences in reflection; fully (5/10), mostly (4/8), half (3/6), less than half (2/4), slightly (1/2) missing this requirement (0).
2. Follows a logical selection process, recognizes data and connections; fully (5/10), mostly (4/8), half (3/6), less than half (2/4), slightly (1/2) missing this requirement (0).
3. Acknowledges substance of cause and effect; students analyze events: fully (5/10), mostly (4/8), half (3/6), less than half (2/4), slightly (1/2) missing this requirement (0).
4. Goes beyond data at hand to justify significance of the elements: fully (5/10), mostly (4/8), half (3/6), less than half (2/4), slightly (1/2) missing this requirement (0).
5. Demonstrates full writing (grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence variety and fluency) or speaking competence and is at least 1,000 words, single spaced, 12 font with category headings: no corrections (10), minor (8), a few (6), several (4), many, (2), not coherent at all (0).
6. You must submit a rough draft, if you do not there is an 11 point penalty.
Professor reserves the right to add + or – to a grade. For example, 4- would be a 3.5 in that category or 4+ would be a 4.5.
Learning Objectives:
1. Students will be able to construct meaning from a variety of sources
a. Use a variety of multimedia resources including text, web, and images
b. Select relevant information
c. Recognize possible bias
d. Identify links between causes and effects
2. Students will be able to analyze the significance of historical and cultural events
a. Examine the role of social groups and minorities such as women, Native Americans, African Americans, and religious groups
b. Appraise the impact of movements such as civil rights, amendments to the Constitution, and violations of human rights
c. Make links to relevant aspects of contemporary World and/or American life
3. Students will produce cogently argued writing with supporting evidence
a. Clear thesis statement which directs writing
b. A range of evidence is used to support writing
c. Evidence is cited accurately
d. Organize writing helpfully and logically into paragraphs
e. Employ the mechanics of writing accurately including spelling, punctuation and grammar
Your Name;
Professor Tantillo
Due date: draft 4/25/20 or final 5/8/20
Category Headings- (have these in a different but consistent font and design) Below is an example-you can use this or design your own.
Terms to understand
Insert your text here
Four instances of propaganda
Insert your text here
Propaganda in Films
Insert your text here
Propaganda in political cartoons and posters
Insert your text here
Propaganda in World War I
and World War II
Insert your text here
Interesting Facts/
Connection with present
Insert your text here