Recommended Reading and Sources of Information
Core text
Bratton, J. (2015) Introduction to Work and Organizational Behaviour (3rd Edition)
Essential reading will be from this book for the majority of the topics we cover. Where the topics are not covered in this text, we will ensure that essential reading is digitised and put up on Moodle. The textbook has a student website which includes extra case studies, activities, glossary, self-test questions and web links. At the end of each chapter you’ll also find good suggestions for further reading.
Other reading:
• Buchanan DA and Huczynski A (2017) Organizational behaviour, Harlow, England: Pearson.
• Clegg, S, Kornberger, M, Pitsis, T (2019) Managing & Organisations: An introduction to Theory and Practice, London: Sage (5th Ed.) 4th edition is also available in the MMU library.
Journals articles are also an important source of information on recent research in management and organisations:
• Journal of Organizational Behaviour
• Journal of Organizational Change Management
• Work, Employment and Society
• New Technology, Work and Employment
• British Journal of Management
• Gender, Work and Organization
Topic specific reading material will be provided on Moodle.
Other sources of information are also relevant for this unit:
• Newspaper websites have sections on business, technology and general societal issues that impact upon organisations (e.g. Guardian, Financial Times, The Times). The Guardian is free to read online. Others require a subscription but can accessed for free via the MMU library.
• The Economist (5 free articles per month if your register, unlimited access via the MMU library
• BBC Radio 4 has some programs of interest to students studying contemporary management and organisations. Episodes are available to listen online, as podcasts or to download.
o In Business (Current trends in work and organisational life)
o The Digital Human (How technology is affecting our behavior and social interaction)
o This is capitalism (Short podcasts looking at various aspects of our economic system)