**Write/Use Plain Simple Voice**
**Write/Use Plain Simple Voice**
This is to be a personal reflection/journal
***Required Text book below**
***Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities by Martha Nussbaum, Princeton University Press, 2016 (ISBN: 9780691173320) ***
See instructions below from professor: ***One Page***
After watch the attached videos and read Preface (pp. xiii-xxiv) and Chapter 1 ( The Silent Crisis pg. 1-12) of the Not for Profit. Your response must be approximately 450 words in length. What I really want to see is sincerity and open-mindedness in your personal reflection and clear engagement with the reading. The papers should be double-spaced, maximum 12-point type, maximum one-inch margins on all sides, in a MLA format.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQy5Y4FxYEo&feature=youtu.be&t=19 ( Do We Need to Rescue the Humanities)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS_gFRbb5zU&t=280s (The value of Humanities
The first reflection is straightforward. Nussbaum describes a “silent crisis” in the humanities.
Please answer the question below.
***What is the “crisis” and what makes it a “silent” crisis?***
*** Please make sure you give examples. ***