This assignment further builds on your first two policy analysis papers. This may also be a policy brief or a
congressional testimony designed to convince the Congress to continue or alter the current policy. Discuss
your chosen policy (the policy you chose for assignments #1 & #2, above) with regard to the following:
1. Select one of the weaknesses ( medication affordability) in the current policy that you feel strongly about
and want to see fixed. For example, Medication affordability for people with HIV, diabetes, or other
conditions that need to shop over seas or Canada to get their medications.
2. Propose a recommendation (or a set of recommendations) or alternative policy(ies) to remedy the
weakness you have identified.
3. When recommending alternative policies, be sure to justify your suggestions. For this, use multiple
sources of data: literature review, expert opinions, and news media. If there are bills that incorporate your
idea but have not yet been passed, that is a good place to start. You may also use the results from a pilot
project or state or international experience to strengthen your case.
4. Discuss changes in allocations, provisions, delivery, and financing mechanisms in the alternative policy
you propose.
5. Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of your proposed change. Include in this discussion how
vulnerable groups in society, including minorities, immigrants/refugees, women and children, elderly,
veterans, the poor, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ populations will fare from such changes.
6. Discuss strategies for bringing the new/revised policy into being.