The factors being tested are a) substrate concentration and b) metal salt (activator)I only need the
In part I of this Enzyme Lab you learned that fruits and vegetables have different amountof catalase. For this lab’ you and your group members will explore two (2) of six factorsthat affect enzyme activity. Enzyme Activity: is the level of reaction which an amount of enzyme undergoes toproduce a product in a specified period of time. Factors that affect enzyme activities: i) temperatureii) pHiii) substrate concentration iv) enzyme concentrationv) metal salt (inhibitor or activator) vi) time Lab Guidelines:0 Will use either ginger or banana extracts for this experiment as these have the most catalase concentration0 Your group factors assignment are: a) substrate concentration and b)- Working with your group members, design a procedure to conduct the testing of your factorsa List the materials that you will need for the experiment