Factors that stop nurses to recognize the unwell patient, including that nurses are now to reluctant on
technology and mot looking at the patient
Page 5 – line 10 sentence that starts For instance. I would like a further point added to stating ‘and nurses looking at the VitalPAC and not the patient so not seeing the deterioration of the patient.
Also last but one line you discuss RRS, can VitalPAC be mentioned here.
Page 6 – line 15, please remove sentence about the intensive care liaison nurse
Page 8 – last two lines, discusses a UK based research but No reference
Page 9, you start to compare beginner nurses. I do not want comparison betw
Page 14 – last 5 lines discuss a ‘compelling consensus statement’ but no reference
Page 16 – spelling and grammatical errors, lines 8 and 9
Page 18 – Number (1) – please include the point of nurses not being able to recognise deteriorating patient. Number (2), sentence does not read well
Page 60 – third line from the bottom can reference (Parkes, 2016), I will add the reference.
Page 61 – the first word on line 6 ‘psychology’ did you mean Physiology?
Page 54 – you discuss ‘objective data’ could this be elaborated on please
Page 51 – Can nurses looking at VitalPAC and no the patient and can this be discussed like the other issues. I WOULD LIKE THIS TO BE DISCUSSED IN DETAIL WITH REFERENCES PLEASE.
Below is a paper I found:
Over reliance on technology and equipment impeded ward nurses ability to recognize patient deterioration (Cox et al. 2006, Gazarian et al. 2010) because nurses tended to use technology rather than perform holistic patient assessments and this often delayed recognition of deterioration, Odell et al. (2009), also argue that technology impacts on nurses’ ability to respond to patient deterioration. Technology will play an increasingly important role in the recognition of clinical deterioration. Patient surveillance systems (PSS) (Sahandi et al. 2010) have been developed to improve recognition of patient deterioration. PSSs use continuous patient vital sign monitoring in the general care setting to facilitate early recognition of patient deterioration (Nangalia et al. 2010).
Other references:
Not sure if you would need to chance research terms but I really want the points I have raised included and discussed.