Pages should be numbered consecutively throughout the main text, including tables, figures and photographs. The pagination of appendices should be continuous within each appendix but distinct from the main text.
The page number should be located centrally, 20 mm above the bottom of the page.
The following is a list of aspects which examiners consider when assessing dissertations (not in order of importance):
A clear statement of the research question
Evidence of the ability to analyse and draw valid conclusions from the investigation /research
Evidence of a logical sequence or process of argumentation whereby issues/questions are presented, researched, and analysed
The quality and effectiveness of communication:
Clear, concise and grammatically correct writing and use of visual material
Evidence of serious knowledge and understanding in an appropriate area
The correct citation of sources using the Harvard referencing system is also required.
What the dissertation should contain:
Introduction and Aims
This is one of the most important sections. Make the introduction as interesting as possible -remember that the reader’s response to the whole dissertation is often disproportionately determined by the introduction. A good introduction will do some or all the following:
Define the subject and indicate broadly its extent, composition and significance.
State clearly the aims/question of the dissertation.
Provide background information which the reader will need.
Indicate the arrangement of the main sections.
Use headings and sub-headings where appropriate.
Conclusion-Here you wrap the whole thing up. How do the different chapters contribute towards your conclusion? Have you done everything that you set out to do? What are the strengths and limitations of your work, and those of others who have considered your area of study? What do you suggest for further research on this topic?
An abstract of work. This should provide a synopsis of the thesis stating the nature and scope of the work undertaken, of 300 words maximum.
A contents page with page references to chapters, sections, appendices, etc.
List of figures, tables and places with figure and table numbers and page references. Separate lists for each.
Main body of the dissertation. This should be sub-divided into logical sections, for example -introduction, chapters, (numbered and titled), and conclusion.
Appendices – Detailed lengthy tables and other statistics obtained during the investigation should be given fully at the end, labelled ‘Appendix 1′ etc.
Bibliography- All the sources you have used should be given here, at the end of the dissertation. They should be clearly set out, using the Harvard system; see Appendix Double-check that all references in the text appear in your bibliography. Apparatus, figures, diagrams, etc
So that your dissertation will include clear copies of illustrations, the use of colour should be minimal except where certain maps conventionally employ colour. Photographs should be referred to as Plates and numbered in consecutive order. Assistance in the printing of photographs is available provided that at least one week’s, but preferably two weeks’, notice is given. Sources of information used in compiling Figures and Tables should be acknowledged. Photographs should be mounted on thick A4 size paper and if glossy (which may stick to the facing page) should have a fly-leaf inserted. All illustrations should be numbered and titled. Abbreviations These should be those in normal use; where necessary a key to abbreviations should be provided.