2. Platform: How did you build your project using Neatline? What was easy? What was difficult? What kind
of information does this platform enable you to present? What information did you want to present, but could
not? How does Neatline work both to present knowledge and to shape that knowledge? Reference at least
one article from our course readings. (1 page)
1. Digital Map: This section includes your digital map and explains, for the general reader of Sherlock
Holmes stories, how the map illustrates, accompanies, and re-interprets the story. What did you learn about
the story by completing this assignment that you could not have learned simply through reading the story?
What did you learn about digital mapping in this experience? Include discussion of at least one of the articles
read this term in your analysis. (1 page)
I guess you didn’t read the instruction file to the end. you must qualify
• an exact location given in the narrative (800 words)
• annotated bibliography (200-300 words)
• 3 “points of interest with photos (600-700 words).
I don’t see any POI part. I even added an example at the end. i got an hour to fix this. pls do it asap.
2/7/2020 9:05 AM:
can you read the instruction file and example again? The space section is not a “POI”. You put two social
spaces with photos but i never asked for it.
There should be space section and 3 POI’s. If you are not sure about the POI, read the instruction and
example..! POI’s Are supposed to added on the map so you will have to click on the map from link.
Therefore, i put the example at the very end so you could see it.
2/7/2020 10:31 PM
There should be 3 POI part.. The example is just to give you an idea of one poi. One of them should be 200-
300 each and there should be 3 of POI’s. I only see 1 POI with 147 words (without the quotation you copied
from the tex).
2/15/2020 3:19 PM