Attention: Research paper proposal and annotated bibliography for this Research paper has already been written by you (Writer ID 67268) and This is the order ID 6339539533.
Research Paper Instructions
1. Your paper should be at least 11 pages/3000 words, not including bibliography (typed, double-spaced, 12-pt Times Roman, with proper margins and citations)
2. Research Topic: Are deliberative democracy better than representative democracy?
3. Your research paper should build on Research paper proposal and annotated bibliography (It is already written by you and they are provided to you as word documents)
4. Your research paper should be structured as follows (Introduction. Lit review. Theory. Methodology. Findings. Conclusion)
5. The following is the feedback for Research paper proposal and annotated bibliography. Please read it carefully and consider them when you are writing the Research paper
Feedback for Paper Proposal and Annotated Bibliography
This is very much within the scope of the course, but there’s some confusion in your presentation. First of all, by what metric are you gauging deliberative democracy to be “better” than representative democracy? You need to provide some sense of the measure by which you’re gauging deliberative democracy, and an explanation as to why that’s the right measure to be using. Second, keep in mind that deliberative democracy and representative democracy aren’t necessarily at odds with one another: a lot of deliberative democracy aims to improve representative democracy, not replace it. Third, can any state include all citizens in decision making? This isn’t what deliberative democracy aims to do. You also spend a lot of your outline sketching out problems with deliberative democracy, rather than showing how your essay intends to address such problems. Your three theses help, but avoid lapsing into generalities (deliberative democracy can “work better for countries).