SOC 3300 Intro to Sociological Theory
Paper 2
Purpose: To apply newer theoretical concepts (concepts as indicated below) to help analyze current social contexts, specifically with the use of social media and in particular, applied to the prevalent use of either FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter OR SnapChat. You needed to have chosen only one of these for Paper 1. Continue to use the same social media app that you chose for Paper 1 in Paper 2.
For the analysis, either:
1. use an “alternative voices” (either race, ethnicity or gender) (CH. 31) argument to analyze the particular social media app. You can either use double consciousness (CH. 27), veiling or intersectionality (Ch. 33). Whichever you choose, make sure to address power dynamics implied by the concepts and to what extent alternative voices can have voice. You must make sure to clearly define the concepts being used and to give logical and well-developed examples from the chosen social media app.
2. use a “rise of the avatar” (either dramaturgy and presentation of self, or looking glass self) (CH. 37) argument. Make sure to address how an individual can “craft” (be able to take agency) a particular identity to meet social standards. Make sure to clearly define the concepts being used and to give logical and well-developed examples from the social media app.
1. Short paper that applies theoretical concepts as noted above, about 4 pages long (minimum 1100 to 1400 words)
2. Must define the concepts and then apply them.
3. Must have logical and comprehensive flow from statement to statement or statement to example.
4. Be creative and open to a range of possible ways to approach social media.
5. Must include 2 short quotes (1-3 sentences) from course textbook and the quotes need to be properly cited and the book needs to be properly indicated on a reference page at the end. Use the ASA style guide for the citation/reference format. Any other format will have grade deductions. All writing assignments/papers need to be in a Microsoft word document formats (the document must be formatted and saved as a ”.doc” or “.docx” document – other formats such as notepad, .rtf, .wps, or anything else will NOT be accepted), 12 point Times New Roman or Courier font, double-spaced, 1-inch margin.
6. Include your complete name, our course number, date, and title of assignment on top of only the first page or have a single title page (none of this should count towards the 1100-1400 word count requirement).
7. Submit paper in the proper Turnitin link in Blackboard. If you submit any other way, there will be a grade penalty and/or, it might not be graded. Assignments should never be emailed to the UH address nor emailed/messaged in Blackboard. Learn to submit properly before deadlines approach.
8. ***No exceptions will be made for papers that are caught with plagiarism. Even if a sentence is used and not cited properly, this would be grounds for plagiarism. If any part of the paper is plagiarized, the paper will receive a grade of zero and student will be reported.
9. Make sure that in the Turnitin Similarity Score, you do not exceed 15% similarity. The reference page similarity score will not be considered. To keep similarity scores down, instead of direct quotes, you can paraphrase but using proper citations.
Grade Rubric:
Proper submission in Turnitin: 10 points
Content: 75 points
10 points – proper ASA referencing and citation style
10 points – used 2 appropriate citations (each citation 5%)
60 points – Substantive content
10 points – main argument or direction of paper indicated in the
beginning first paragraph
10 points – concepts are clearly presented and defined indicating that
the student understands the main tenets of the particular
theoretical concept
30 points – the clearly defined concepts are logically applied to the topic by the
use of specific examples from FB meant to illustrate the concept
5 points – creative use of theory or the application of the concept/s
Writing dynamics: 15 points
5 points – spelling – spell check but then go back and review paper
5 points – grammar – use proper grammar
5 points – overall proofreading
***Since this is a writing assignment, you must pay attention to the following:
Plagiarism – be aware of the negative consequences of doing this, do not be caught saying, “I didn’t know.” Penalties for any form of plagiarism may result in an F for the assignment or an F for the course. Be aware and diligent in order NOT to plagiarize.