Sample 1:
1. Amazon Stonehenge – Brazil Amazon Stonehenge is an archaeological site that is located in Brazil. It’s a park that’s located in a state of Amapá in Brazil and it’s near the city of Calcoene. According to the archaeologists, this site was created by the group of local people for the purpose of ceremonial or burial reasons. Till today, the function of this site is unknow; however, it’s still an interesting discovery that’s found. Interesting discovery regarding the site is that when the locals found the site, they called it “Tropical Stonehenge.” Another interesting discovery is that indigenous people of the area were actually living in a complex society which involved growing agricultures to support the living of the people and maintained a friendly relationship with the environment they were surrounded by. Additionally, archaeologists assume that the site’s probably been structured for cultural significance and were further outreached to other local communities that are located in pre- Colombian Brazil. Even though there are no exact reasons to the formation of the site, it’s interesting how most scientists agree that the site is relevant to a pre- Columbian society and it contains stories that are more complex than we thought. I chose this site because I’ve never been to Brazil but have seen Stonehenge in England; I was wondering the background and history of Amazon Stonehenge as opposed to the one located in England. It was fascinating to me how the site the was discovered and how there are predictions made in regard to pre- Columbian society.
2. Pula Arena- Croatia Pula Arena is an archaeological site that is in Pula, Croatia. The arena was constructed approximately in 27 BC to 86 AD. It’s known as one of the world’s largest Roman arenas that still maintains its structure till today. The wall is constructed with limestone and has the height of 96.5 feet. The arena has a total of 15 gates and there are underground paths that was mainly created for fighters to be released in the arena. The arena was used until the fifth century and by the Middle Age, the arena was mainly used for tournaments including fairs. Interesting facts about the arena is that it is the only Roman amphitheater that is left to have four side towards with three preserved roman architectural orders. Another interesting fact regarding the Area is that it’s one of the best-preserved monuments that is ancient in Croatia. Although it’s been well preserved, the arena isn’t listed under UNESCO world heritage. Today, the arena I used as theatre performances including concerts. It’s amazing how the arena has been used variously throughout the century. I’ve chose this site because I’ve been to Croatia but haven’t seen this site while I was there; it’s unfortunate that I didn’t get visit the arena while I was in the country. Hence, the next time I revisit, I would love to see it in person and surround myself with the venue itself. I chose this site because it interested me what kind of arena Croatia would have as other European countries are full of arena. It’s certainly beautiful and extraordinary how it’s being well maintained till today.
Hey Saie,
When I was reading about the Amazon Stonehenge that is located in Brazil, I was amazed at how similar it was to the Stonehenge we know about in England. It makes you wonder if it was the same type of people who built Stonehenge were the same type of people that built Amazon Stonehenge. Also, it is so cool that you were able to see Stonehenge in England, in person!
Hi Saie,
I didn’t even know that the Roman Empire had made it’s way out to Croatia or that there was still a structure there. It was great to read your writing on it and I thought it was really cool to learn that it is still being used today by people for all sorts of events. This site is really getting a lot of varied use by different cultures over time, so that really fits with the class as well. If I ever get out to Croatia this will have to be a place that I visit.
Sample 2:
Stonehenge is located in Wiltshire, England which is just two miles away from Amesbury. It is believed that Stonehenge was created around 3000 BC. Many people believe that Stonehenge was used as a burial ground. It is truly amazing how these stones were lifted and put into place. Looking at this from an engineers point of view it makes you truly wonder how they were able to think about this over 5000 years ago. Stonehenge took over 1500 years to build. To think about a project lasting over 1500 years blows me away. This is something that took generation after generation to complete. For Stonehenge to be created today it would cost millions and would not be an easy task.It is truly a miracle that something to this degree could be made during 3000 BC with the technology that they had. I chose this site because it really fascinated me that it took over 1500 years to complete
Teotihuacan is located 40 miles away from Mexico City. At one time it had a population of over 125,000 people making it the sixth largest city in the world during its time. The city was established around 100 BC and was approximately 8 square miles in size. Teotihuacan began as a religious center in the Mexican Highlands around the first century CE. It became the largest and most populated center in the pre-Columbian Americas. Teotihuacan is known for its large pyramids and also its large compounds where multiple families would live. I find it very fascinating looking at these large structures. This is something that had to be built completely by hand with no heavy machinery. The fact that they were smart enough to create a pulley system that could lift these huge rocks blows my mind. Like Stonehenge, Teotihuacan is something that would take years to complete even with today’s equipment. All in all it is truly amazing to look at the structures and how they were built. I chose this sight because it is really amazing how they were able to lift these giant stones with only man power.
Hello Grant,
I agree with your comments on how impressive it is how these peoples managed to construct these massive structures with their limited technologies. The creativity applied to such products must have been impressive. Instead of simply firing up a skid loader, they would have designed complex simple machine systems that were all powered by man. This this type of engineering and thought process is the reason we live in the type of communities and environments we do today. These peoples works should help us call to mind that we as humans are capable of things we could never imagine if we come together and organize as one.
Sample 3:
1. The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Great Pyramid of Giza is located in Greater Cairo, Egypt. It is the oldest of the seven wonders of the world, as well as the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex. This pyramid was built in a twenty-year span, during the reign of King Khufu. Although it is not confirmed by scientists and archaeologists the true purpose of the pyramids, the one consensus is it was built as a tomb for kings. The height of the pyramid is 455 inches, with a length of 230.44 meters. It had formally opened in 820 AD. The materials used to build it included limestone, granite, basalt, and mortar. One interesting fact I learned was it was the largest man-made structure until the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. I choose this site because I remember learning about Egypt in 4th grade and I became obsessed with the Sphinx structure. I hope one day I can go to Egypt and see all these sites.
2. The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is my second site, and it is located in Beijing, China. The wall was built across the historical northern borders of China to protect other Chinese states and territories. It was built in 220-206 BC by Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. The wall took over 2,000 years to build completely, as the wall itself was built, rebuilt, and had extended walls added. The wall serves as a symbol of China. One interesting fact I learned about the wall, is that it has built in watchtowers, that were used to look for people trying to invade. I chose this site because I actually had the chance to see the Great Wall when I was a kid, and I never really appreciated it or got to learn a lot about it when I was actually there. What I can say is there are many steep steps, and it is not the easiest path to walk. There are a lot of stairs and I know many tourists like to exercise and try and hike the Great Wall.
Hi Kaitlyn,
The function of the Great Wall for the qin dynasty was built to ward off foreign enemies, and the function of the Great Wall was constantly changing in some later dynasties due to the country. Later in the Ming dynasty, the Great Wall resumed its original function and was renovated and expanded. The Great Wall we see now is actually mostly Ming wall.
Sample 4:
1. The Acropolis of Athens is located on a flat, mountain top outside of Athens, Greece. This is the home of beautiful temples such as the Parthenon, the Erechtheion, the Propylaia, and the Temple of the Athena Nike. The Acropolis of Athens also boasts two beautiful amphitheaters such as the Theatre of Dionysis and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus. Every four years the Acropolis held the Great Panathaneaa Games, which was a celebration of Athena and the people of Athens. These games were comparable to the popular Olympic Games. The structural damage done to these buildings was from the Venetian War in 1684. The Greeks filled the Parthenon with gunpowder in attempt to hide it from the Venetians and was struck by a Venetian cannonball sending the Parthenon and surrounding structures into pieces. The Greeks are very proud of the Acropolis of Athens and have been attempting to restore the structures since 1975. I decided to choose the Acropolis of Athens as an archeological site because I would love to visit Greece one day. I think the architecture on these buildings are phenomenal. I find it absolutely amazing how these structures are still standing after all they have endured.
2. Chichén Itzá (El Castillo) is located in Tinum Mexico and is the most popular Mayan ruin in Mexico. The large pyramid is referred to as the Temple of Kukulcan and is the biggest structure in Chichén Itzá. El Castillo features Aztec inspired designs on each of the structures. The Temple of Kukulcan is 99 feet high and 181 feet across. At one point guests could climb the ruins and enter inside the temple, but is no longer due to an accidental fall in 2006 and archeological findings inside the temple. Researchers have discovered that the Temple of Kukulcan was built on a sink hole. Researchers were also able to uncover some of the rooms and significant statues that suggested to close the temple. People from all over the world visit this archeological site to try and explore the mystery of what was inside of the temple. I decided to explore this archeological site because my friend visited Chichén Itzá a few years ago and was upset that she didn’t get a chance to climb the ruins. She showed me pictures and explained to me part of the mystery that makes the Temple of Kukulcan a destination spot for most tourists.
Sample 5:
Tikal is the most famous site of the ancient Mayan civilization, located in northern Guatemala’s rainforest. I chose this site because it was likely a ceremonial area, according to the encyclopedia Britannica. One can only imagine how fit the people must have been because of the vastness of the steep stone steps into every temple. It was one of the largest Mayan cities on Earth from 600 A.D. to 800 A.D. I found it particularly interesting because less than 10% of the area has been excavated. Therefore, there are so many questions yet to be answered about this area. For example, how did they preserve the wood from termites? I researched on YouTube a guided tour of Tikal and found out some interesting facts in regards to the Temples. There were temple residential areas where they had offices and even accommodated an elderly king by creating a first floor bedroom for him. It is hard to imagine an office being built and used to conduct business without modern technology. The tour guide explained how astrology was a big influence in the creation of the structures. In particular, the number of steps leading into the floors of the buildings representing the underworld was nine. There are six temples that have been excavated including the largest number 4.
Stonehenge is the second site I explored, located in the United Kingdom dating back to 2,000 A.D. to 3,000 A.D. It is on my bucket list of places to visit. The mystery of how it was built and the intricacy of how the light of the sun shines through the prehistoric stone circle monument is fascinating. Some of the stones are more than 20 feet high. Imagining how they built this monument is mind baffling. It took hundreds of years, bluestones from over 200 miles, and stages to finish. There are over 100 upright stones. According to the visitor’s website, it could have been a burial site of cremated remains because 64 skeletal remains have been found. The very large holes are called Aubrey Holes. Scientists speculate that the holes could have been made by timber used to hold the stones up while they were building it. Stonehenge is an engineering miracle considering the primitive tools used before the industrial revolution. Roman artifacts have also been found at the site, which indicate many Romans visited the site. Today, visitors can expect to see a site with many fallen stones.