Responses to each question should fully answer and explore the question, may be less than or around 250- 300 words each, and should be supported with scholarly research from your textbook and also often from outside internet sources, excluding wiki sources. Remember that well-written responses do not need to be excessively wordy.
Book: Pearce, J. A., & Robinson, R. B. (2015). Strategic Management (14th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. (ISBN: 9780077862510)
1. Discuss in scholarly detail differences between a simple and functional organizational structure. What are the demands for managers in these structures?
2. Discuss in scholarly detail how a firm can balance the demands for control/differentiation in the corporate level of management with the need for coordination/integration.
3. Discuss in scholarly detail twenty-first-century corporations in terms of organizational phenomena and tactics. Include in your answer brief definitions of a virtual organization, agile organization, modular organization and learning organization.
4. Discuss in scholarly detail organizational leadership in the context of a leader’s action and why is it important for a leader to clarify strategic intent in his or her actions? How does a leader do this?
5. Discuss in scholarly detail implications of any considerations that should be emphasized by firms seeking to manage a strategy-culture relationship.