1. Title page:
Title of the article
Current date
Running head
APA format of the title page
2. Sections: centered, bolded
3. Subsections: aligned to the left, bolded
4. Description of disease:
When/who first discovered it
Alternative names/common names for this disease
Different clinical forms of this disease
OMIM number for this disease
How common it is in different areas/age groups/ethnic groups/genders
Signs and symptoms of this disease
Age of onset of the symptoms
5. Genetic basis of disease:
Genes involved, their names, location
Mutations involved, their types and location on the gene
Is the disease heritable, and if it is – what pattern of inheritance it follows
6. Molecular basis of disease:
Proteins involved, their names, location and function in the cell/body.
How mutations that case this disease (described in Genetic basis section) affect the proteins involved.
How these changes in proteins result in the phenotype described in Signs and Symptoms.
7. Treatment
What methods are used to diagnose this disease?
Is disease treatable, and if so – what methods of treatment are currently used
Any new treatment options that are being researched/tried currently
Success rate of current treatment options
8. Prognosis
Effect of this disease on quality of life, life expectancy and reproductive capacity of patients – with and without treatment
9. Word count: at or above 2000.
10. References
Are all references that are cited in the paper, included on the reference page, and vice versa?
Are there 10+ peer reviewed sources?
Are they cited correctly?
A quick guide:
Are the journal titles on a reference page italicized and abbreviated?
Journal titles should be abbreviated according to: http://library.caltech.edu/reference/abbreviations/.
Is DOI included in the bibliography of every referenced source?
11. Direct quotes: if there are any, please remove them.
12. Is similarity index above 15? If so, please revise the article until it is below 15.