CIS 152 Writing Project on Acceptable Use Policy
1) Create your own acceptable use policy for the computers and network access for CIS 152-900 Inc.
A. Be sure to cover acceptable use of the following:
(2.35 points each)
i. computers/devices
ii. network
iii. Internet surfing
iv. e-mail
v. password security.
B. Be sure to provide unacceptable activities regarding the following: (2.35 points each)
i. computers/devices
ii. network
iii. Internet surfing
iv. e-mail
v. password security
2) Also, locate a similar acceptable use policy for CCP.
a. Provide the correct URL to that CCP’s acceptable use policy (1 point)
b. How does that CCP’s policy compare with yours? Must provide at least two (2 points)
c. Which policy is stricter? Yours or CCP’s? Why? (must provide at least 2 reasons why you think one is stricter than the other) (2 point)
d. What changes would you recommend on CCP’s policy? (must recommend at least one change) (1 point)
Note: To be graded, this policy statement must meet the following specifications (0.5 points):
ü Your response MUST be organized according to above headings, sub-headings, etc.
ü Typed
ü 1.5 line spacing
ü Times new roman font face
ü 12 font size
ü Left aligned
ü MUST NOT exceed two (2) pages.